Hi, I'm Joanna Tringali

Founder of Calm Beauty Brooklyn and Joanna Tringali Facial Massage Education

This is my Story


I help estheticians and massage therapists learn face lifting massage with my own blend of buccal massage, myofascial release and lymphatic drainage so they can provide great natural face lifting results for their clients. 


This has been my passion for over 30 years.  I taught for 17 years at my own nationally accredited massage school.  I left the education field because I missed working with clients.


But the call to teach holistically minded estheticians and massage therapists is back in my heart.  Never sure it really left because I've been teaching my clients about holistic beauty and natural face lifting for years.  But its nothing like watching the excitement, growth and transformation of a professional beauty therapist as they learn and apply techniques in their own practice, and eventually make the work their own.

I've had requests over the years from colleagues to teach what I know, and the most popular request is for Buccal Massage. So here it is, my Buccal Massage Training for massage therapists and estheticians!

You'll learn how to:


• Conduct a holistic consultation identifying the client goals, areas of concern, preferences, beliefs about the cause of their concern. Includes how to gain Informed Consent.


• Identify structures specific to Intra-oral work - bones/dentition, fascia, muscles, major lymph pathways, major nerves and blood vessels; endangerment sites and contraindications


• Discuss the role of emotions, aging and injections on facial aesthetics to educate the client about facial massage benefits


• Discuss the considerations of designing a session plan for the day, a series, and/or integrating into popular modalities


• Demonstrate client positioning and therapist ergonomics


• Demonstrate therapist hygienic and safety practices (how to properly use gloves; discuss use of the mask for the therapist, etc.)


• Discuss the qualities of leadership in the treatment room specific to Intra-oral work; professional communication; confidence, navigating client concerns/questions


• Demonstrate how to document progress with photos and notes


• Outline an initial plan to market the technique in their practice


Learn Facial Massage with Me

Only 6 spots are available for maximum attention


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